Sunday, January 3, 2016

O M Gosh!!!

Huge change! I quit my job o.o

Its a huge chance and I'm excited about this. Mind you this is the first job that I have ever had that I was the one to quit. Sadly I have been fired, but for the most part I worked for a temp service so I worked until the job ended.

This is such a weird feeling. The upside is, I have a interview tomorrow night for a upgraded position from what I was already doing, and it is full time and comes with a pay increase. I AM PRAYING that I get this job. It will help our family soooooooo much. The idea that I can actually contribute and help out with bills is an awesome feeling. We are so tiered of just "getting" by.

Well that's our update for the weekend. Nothing new on the news front with ray. Wyatt is a tad more stubborn this morning then usual. Atticus is having a lot of fun playing with Maggie, which is hilarious because this 2 year old is playing with our huge Saint Bernard. I will have to get video of it, seriously the best thing ever.

Hope you all have had a wonderful weekend. *sigh* School starts back tomorrow! Back to the grind of taking the kids back and forth to school. Have a great week!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Hello 2016!!

Can I be more excited!? I think I can!

Wasn't able to stay up till midnight but I did stay up with all the kids till they passed out, which was fun. They all were so excited about the New Year, its so fun when you have kids, they make it so much more fun!
So my first Thankful moment/status/what have you is this, I am sooooo thankful that today January 1, 2016 I woke up to the beautiful face that is Raidens'. We have come such a long way as a family with him. He still has a surgery to go for his left aortic valve, but hopefully after that he wont have anymore .
I am going to be realistic about my post! A post a week seems good, not realistic to try everyday. To many kids and responsibilities to try everyday.
2016 is going to have some big changes for us! No there are no more babies for us, or Maggie lol but hopefully a wonderful upgrade on my job situation and who knows maybe even my Honeys.
I hope everyone was safe last night, so many irresponsible drivers out due to the holiday.

Have a wonderful day and a awesome first week of 2016.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Well this year kinda sucked. We have had a lot of ups and downs. So 2016 I'm ready for you. Going to cook more, play more with the kids, and try and be a better wife.
Raiden isn't done with surgeries, that has my stress way up, but on a high note overall he is doing well. We are fighting the flu, fortunately the hubby hasn't caught it.
We moved to a smaller place, hard fitting 4bed with a garages worth of stuff in a 3bed.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Hello 2014!!

My gracious I haven't updated in such a long time! Goal, to update at least once a month.
So we have a new addition to the family! Atticus Troy! 8lbs 12oz my biggest baby, and last! lol Its amazing that I now have 5 kids! Im so thankful that he is heart healthy and has no issues what so ever! He sleeps great at night too!
Now on to Raiden... He just went in for a cath to see if he was ready for his Fontan. Sadly he isn't, his tricuspid valve that was fixed this past july still is leaking to much for the next stage. So he needs a new med and another upped. Its so hard not knowing if he is ok, or if whats happening to him is normal. Upside he has a lot of energy. He is running and playing like there isn't anything wrong with him. We are so blessed to have him.
Looking forward to this year, working out, eating healthy, and loving my family as much as I can!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

i feel horrible over a month!

Ray has been doing ok. His heart cath was scheduled for May 20th (my birthday), but he caught a cold so it was pushed to the 29th. well they wanted his lungs enough time to get the cold bug so they then rescheduled it to the 24th of this month. And guess who has a cold!! AGAIN! Kai threw up in his sleep and his apsrm donor could care less and says no one was sick around him this past weekend. sigh its just to much, ebby and kai are supposed to go to my folks but i dont know if he will be well enough.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 2013

After months of no internet, iv finally figured out how to use my blogg on my phone. 
Raiden has been doing great. We did have to take him to the ER end of march for him tho. He just started throwing up and was doing so off and on from 4pm untill 7:30pm. They ran tons of test and thankfully he was ok no viruses/bacterial infection found, but im betting a stomach bug from school came home. Mark and I caught what he had just two days later. 
We are waiting to move downstairs, ray has been having more breathless walks up the stairs. Due to renovations at the apartment complex we dont know when this is going to happen. 
Ray is scheduled for May 20th for his heart cath, coinsodentaly my birthday as well. Looking forward to it but sxared as well, emotions from his Glenn keep pouring back.
Ebony and Kai are on their last month of school, just 30 days left. 
Things are moving right along in our family, looking forward to this summer to be over.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Croup and the Flu

It is another wonderful flu season. Little did I know that I would also be on the watch for Croup. Thankfully my oldest two "biological" father had enough sense not to take them knowing that his niece had croup. From the research that I did, potentialy fatal to infants and heart patents....the other two kiddos in my house! The Flu season is also in full swing, and I'm tankful that the kids haven't gotten what's going around right now. They did have the flue some months back. Praying that they don't bring any sickness home with them.
It amazes me that parents will send their kids to school knowing that they just threw up or have had a fever for days. That they are contagious but would rather spend their day to themselfs. I understand that working parents and even single parents are put in a tight spot by a unexpected sick child. Believe me I GET IT. I was there once before and got let go cuz my kids kept getting sick from their day care. PLEASE DO NOT BRING YOUR SICK KIDS TO SCHOOL! I'm saying this for the families that are single parents that have to work, I'm saying this TO the mom who gets to stay at home and go out without any little people running in tow. I'm saying this FOR the families that have more then 2 kids, the families with disabled children of any age. KEEP YOUR SICK KIDS HOME.  It's a burden on EVERYONE to have to take care of sick children, managing your job, and your "free time" lol I don't know what free time is but I know there are tons of you that do. I get that but if we all make the effort to teach our kids to wash their hands, sneeze in their coat sleeve not their hands, just saying, maybe we could cut down the bugs and germs. I'd also like to say to the schools, SANITIZE!! I know they don't clean off the kids desks at the end of the day, the door handles or the bathrooms correctly. All schools need to be bleached at the end of the day...again just saying lol
Read a post on FB last night that a 5year old HLHS child lost his battle. I'm feeling better now, but it made me cry. It's horrible to hear that a baby lost their life to something they were born with, also it makes me realize that we don't know how much time we have with Raiden. I was in such a funk yesterday.
Last week flew by! Finally got to go in to see the specialist for Wyatt's eye! He has a bacterial infection in his left eye that's lasted 5 stinkin months! I have ointment and drops for his eye. Dr said its a 6 week treatment!! Hopefully it will clear his eye up and stop the infection!
Hoping for a good week, but it's looking dim.